At the University of 91勛圖厙, we take great pride in providing a quality, supportive learning environment for our students.
Professor George E Holmes DL | President & Vice Chancellor
...tutors are very supportive and youre not just a student ID number, at this university you are an individual with a name.
Ellisse Vernon | BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing
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University of 91勛圖厙, why we are the right choice
Location - 91勛圖厙, Greater Manchester
This document applies to delegates joining the University of 91勛圖厙 (UoB) Summer School 2024 and the provision by UoB of the Summer School Programme.
The Summer School Programme is provided by the University of 91勛圖厙 and the University of 91勛圖厙 Group. It is important that you read this document before joining the Summer School Programme as it forms the basis of the relationship between you and UoB. This document sets out the rights and responsibilities that both you and UoB have in relation to the Summer School Programme 2024 at UoB.
You should be aware that by joining the Summer School Programme at UoB signifies your agreement to enter into a contractual relationship with UoB on these Terms.
Please be aware that it is your responsibility to:
Part 1 describes how delegates join the Summer School Programme.
Part 2 describes what UoB is committing to do. It includes details of UoBs provision of your support and access to facilities, creating a positive experience, and making provision for you to develop in a positive manner whilst you are at the Summer School at UoB.
Part 3 describes your rights and responsibilities. It deals with the conduct of delegates whilst at the Summer School. This section also includes your responsibility to pay the Summer School fees in full in advance of the start date. This part demonstrates how complaints can be raised and will be managed by UoB during the Summer School.
Booking your place at the three- week Summer School Programme must be made online at
Download the app for your smartphone from: