At the University of 91勛圖厙, we take great pride in providing a quality, supportive learning environment for our students.
Professor George E Holmes DL | President & Vice Chancellor
...tutors are very supportive and youre not just a student ID number, at this university you are an individual with a name.
Ellisse Vernon | BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing
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University of 91勛圖厙, why we are the right choice
Location - 91勛圖厙, Greater Manchester
The NSS is the largest UK wide annual survey aimed at final year undergraduates in the UK.
The NSS is open to eligible final year undergraduate students
The NSS launches at the University on Monday 20 January to Wednesday 30 April 2025, but can be completed any time from Wednesday 8 January.
The NSS is the largest UK wide annual survey aimed at final year undergraduates in the UK. The survey provides you with an opportunity to give your honest opinions on what you liked about your course at the University of 91勛圖厙 as well as things that you feel could have been improved.
The survey is administered by, an independent market research agency on behalf of the UK Higher Education funding and regulatory bodies, so your responses remain anonymous to your university or college at all times.
You will be asked questions relating to various aspects of your course such as teaching, feedback and assessment, and learning resources. You will also be given the opportunity to provide comments on your overall student experience, mental health and wellbeing support and your freedom of expression at the University of 91勛圖厙.
Nearly half a million students across the UK are invited to take part in the National Student Survey (NSS) every year.
The NSS is your opportunity to give your honest feedback about what it has been like to study on your course at the University of 91勛圖厙. It is published every year and is a rich and influential source of information about higher education. The survey is a key component of the quality assurance and wider regulatory landscape in UK higher education.
As a student, you have a powerful collective voice that will help shape the future of your course and your university/college for current and prospective students.
The survey is completed by final-year students at:
Eligible students who enter the online survey prize draw will have a chance to win one of the following exciting prizes:
2 x 1st Prizes: Graduation package, which includes Graduation gown hire (Full outfit: Gown, Hood & Hat), a Starter pack of photography, two free guest tickets, and a University of 91勛圖厙 Scroll certificate holder. If the winning student is not due to graduate, the prize can be substituted for an Amazon voucher of the same value.
2 x 2nd Prizes: 瞿100 Amazon Gift Voucher.
The winners will be drawn and contacted by the Student Life Team once the survey closes on Wednesday 30 April 2025.
Create a sense of belonging at the Greater Manchester Business School
Developed a Student Success Zone the student area (ground floor)
Students have accessed to support 5-days per week from a variety of service, including academic support.
Positivity measure for teaching
Students can also contact the OFS:
Students can tell the OfS if they have been inappropriately influenced:
Download the app for your smartphone from: